Tuesday 29 June 2010

Music intro pitch

JLS - Beat Again.

Outline of the video.
The video will be set on the field outside college as well as in the woodland area.
The costume's will be basic and casual, general clothing, jeans, bright coloured top and trainers.
Dancing will be constant and basic as well as some break dancing at certain points in the song. It will be our own dance routine with the main band singing/dancing and backing dancers with much more simple dancing with freedom.
The band will consist of 4 make members just like in the song.
The video storyline will be four male singers singing mainly into the camera but not at all points.
Camera angles will be minimal with a long shot showing the whole group singing and dancing being the front of the song. However there will be some changes and the scenery changes.
Chorus will be sang by everyone, verses will be sang individually.



Friday 25 June 2010

Analysing a Music Video

The music video that we have chosen is justin timberlake "like i love you", we choose this as it is easy to illustrate the following:

The video demonstrates genre characteristics by his back up dancers, his solo dance routines, and his 12 seconds of his face at the start to show his importance/ looks.
The relationship between the lyrics and visuals are that hes always talking to someone such as when he says "like i love you" he is pointing at one of the girls in his video, to show his meanings etc. The song is about dancing freely in the street and the music video demonstrates him dancing outside of a shop.
The record label has influenced the music video by including many close ups of the artist to develop sex appeal and his important identity.
There are many shots of body parts such as close ups of body parts and sex appeal to other people in the video mainly "girls', there are many sexual parts of the video that once again would appeal to BOYS/ girls.

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